Sunday, October 17, 2010

Step Out Walk - 2010

On Saturday, October 16th, Team Cale once again "Stepped Out" to Fight Diabetes.  It was a beautiful day!  The walk was in St. Charles, Illinois.  It started out along the Fox River and wound through some wooded areas and then back along the River.  It was such a nice walk!  I love the Fall and with the water and the changing leaves, things couldn't have been nicer!!  The walk was 5 miles long and we all made it! 

Team Cale was announced during the opening ceremonies as not only a new team to this walk (the previous walk we did was in Rockford) but we were also one of the top 5 fundraising teams!!  That felt really good considering how many people were there!!  As of today, Team Cale has raised $3,280!!  And we can still send in any late donations until November 5th!!!

Team Cale consisted of Me (of course), Pat, Cale and Ryan, my Mom and Dad, Lauren and Kevin, my cousin Jenny, Cale's best friend Ryan and my mother-in-law and father-in-law (they were there in spirit...they helped fundraise, but were unable to do the 5 mile walk due to a brand new knee!!!).  What I found funny is, during the walk, the ones that were "tired" and "hurting" were the two 9 year olds and the 6 year old! Where was the energy that they have ALL OF THE TIME?! Granted, Ryan's little legs had to take almost twice as many steps as the adults, but he is always on the go at home and doesn't have to rest!  Ahhhhh!!!!

My very talented sister-in-law, Chris, graciously designed our t-shirts again this year!!  Everyone had the Army star logo with "Team Cale" on the front and the little boys had their names military style on their backs (which made my "big" boy want his, too!).  We love the t-shirts!!!

Here are some pictures of our day...

Team Cale

My family

The boys watching the waterfall...check out their names on their backs!

The three monkeys

The path winding through the "woods"

Best Buddies

Best "Goofy" Buddies

Daddy & Ryan...Ryan was tired!

Cale with Auntie Lauren and Uncle Kevin

Cale with Grandma and Grandpa

Leave it to Lauren to find a cat!!!


:) Tracie said...

So Lauren found a cat....and looks like she went shopping too!
Glad to hear it was a beautiful day. Amazing job raising that much money!
Love the pictures!

Lauren said...

Well, technically the cat found me. I was waiting for Kevin and I heard a faint meow. I thought I was just imagining it (I think I dream in meow language, too) but then I looked down and there was the kitty. I swear, cats know that I am their type of person. Oh, and the bag was filled with tupperware and People magazines that my mom gave me. (what a weird combination of items!)