Sunday, March 27, 2011

And we are off!!!

WOO HOO!!!  We are headed to Florida today for a much needed vacation! 

I am really hoping to be able to meet up with Lora while we are down there.  She only lives an hour away from where we will be staying.  From everything that I've read, Cale and Justin should totally hit it off (as I am sure the mama's will too)!! 

Let's hope "D" enjoys the vacation and cooperates! 

Keep an eye out for the pictures...they will be coming!!

Sunshine and I come!!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

LIttle Turkey!!

On Thursday (yes, on his birthday) Ryan lost yet another tooth.  He came home from school with it in a little tooth necklace.  He showed it to me and my first thought was "do we have any cash in the house"?  I know, sad to have to think if we have enough cash to cover a teeny, tiny tooth (if you know Ryan, you know just how teeny, tiny those teeth really are!) but we do use our debit card for everything.  Luckily, we did!!  But....

Ryan didn't want the tooth fairy to take his tooth.  He asked me straight out if she had to come or if he could keep it.  I said he can keep it, but there won't be any money left!  He was fine with that. 

Fast forward to today (Monday)....Ryan comes running out of his room with the tooth necklace yelling "I knew it, I knew it!!  You are the tooth fairy!!!".  Come again spaz???  He had put the tooth under his pillow last night, without either Pat or I knowing, and it was still there this morning.  He just kept jumping around and doing his little butt dance (he can really shake that thing...look out Chippendale's!!!) singing "you are the tooth are the tooth fairy". 

Once Beavis settled down, I told him that I am not the tooth fairy.  "Yes you are!!  She didn't come and take my tooth!"  Thinking quickly I replied that the tooth fairy only comes on the day that you loose your tooth.  You can't hold onto it for days and then expect her to come.  He had no response (yet).....take that you sneaky little turkey!!!! Fingers crossed!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


(Warning....picture overload!!)

Seven years ago today, Ryan Patrick entered the world after 18 long hours of labor and one c-section, weighing 9 pounds 7 ounces (I KNOW!) and measuring 20 inches long.  Our lives have not been the same since!!!  I mean that to be a positive - mostly!! 

Ryan is a very cute (and I'm not just saying that because I made him!), energetic, headstrong, funny and smart little boy.  He can be the biggest cuddler ever, but if you get on his "bad" side...LOOK OUT!!!! 

He loves school and is a perfect little student.  He is so into building models right now that it isn't even funny!  He is growing up so fast!!  It is so hard to believe that he is over halfway done with 1st grade!  He's not my baby anymore...he's a KID!!

Happy 7th Birthday Ryan - I love you!!!!!

Baby Ryan - still in the hospital

Look at those big eyes!!!

Ryan's First Birthday

Goofing around while Daddy is building the deck...quick cover him up!!!

Crazy hair guy!!!


This is how we found him when his 3rd Birthday party was starting.


Ryan's 5th Birthday...such a dork!!

Waiting for Pre-School graduation to start.

My little hockey guy...who refuses to play now!

Our little White Sox in the making!

Cool guy on his Kindergarten Field Trip.

Ryan and his 2 best buddies at their 1st Grade Halloween Party.

My 7 year old boy!!!
