Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Thumbs Up!!!!
It's a go!!! We are getting the Omni Pod. The rep that came to our house today said that we should be pumping within 2 weeks! I had thought March, but I'll take it! Wouldn't it be great for Cale to have it before his Valentine's Day party? All I would have to do is hit a button and no one would have a clue!
AND...the rep did say that it won't be too much longer (a few more years) and the Continuous Glucose Monitoring system will be integrated with the pod. Aside from a cure, that is AWESOME!! An alarm when you are going "low" and it will even tell you when you are on the rise all in one infusion site.
Well, I'm off to fill out the paperwork and fax it in. Next comes the training with the nurse from our doctor's office and we are shot free!!!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Pinewood Derby
Cale waiting for his car to race down the track.

Cale's den and all of their awards.
Cale and his medal (he so wanted that!!!)
The Bat Mobile!!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009
Susan, the representative for the Omni Pod, will be coming over on Monday, January 26th at 3:30 p.m. to have a pod inserted on Cale for his test run.
Once we know that he loves it, and he will, it's paperwork time. If all goes as planned, by March we should be fully pumping!!!!!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
3 Month Check-up
We talked to the doctor about the Omni Pod once again....AND WE GOT THE GREEN LIGHT!!!

First things first, I had him write a little note giving the rep permission to insert a pod on Cale containing saline - just like I had done a couple of months ago. Once we do that, it is fill out the paper work, verify everything with our insurance, have a couple of meetings...and it's pumping time!!! I am excited and Cale seems to be, too. I just hope that he still wants it after one is inserted on him. I think he will. It was a piece of cake.
That's about it on the home front. Just working on staying warm...easy thing to do - just don't go outside!!!